What It Means To Show Your Experience on LinkedIn

Yes, How Should You Show Your Experience On Your LinkedIn Profile?

Sometimes, as human beings, we encounter problems.

Whether these problems are physical, emotional or something out of the ordinary, these things always arise. I guess we can say “It’s a part of life” since it happens so often that our desires just don’t go our way. And boy… It’s sucks!

However, wouldn’t it be interesting to understand why some people can’t accomplish those desires while others can? Why some people always succeed at stuff they do, while others just drown themselves into an ocean of more stress?

What defines how successful you are at escaping troublesome situations? For Entry Level Engineers, how do you define what makes you good at job hunting?

Simple: Your drive. Your determination.

Check out what Google says on it…


So, in order to be the best at showing your experience (which shows how determined you were to accomplish a task given to you), you got to understand how you can extract the parts of your job that showed your willpower, resolve, strength of character (or simply your determination) to be better than the rest. This also incorporates lessons that you’ve learned from those experiences that make you more skilled at your position.

Luckily, I’m going to cheat for you and give you the 4 things you need to know to extract that experience and make your LinkedIn Profile look amazing in front of any person that reads it.

Understand “Experience”

The most important skill ever. Yes.

There have been many times where I go to someone’s profile and the experience section just tells me that they “organized, measured and were responsible for”. That means nothing…

When you are giving someone a glimpse at yourself, you have to tell them what you did. It’s like telling me you learned French, but you can’t even say “Merci”.

Shame on your LinkedIn profile


This is why understanding how to describe your experience is the most important skill ever. It clearly defines who you are and what you know.

So, What Is Experience?

Experience is the demonstration of knowledge you’ve acquired (in a particular topic) through the time you’ve spent handling it. Simply, you are telling a person what you’ve learned through the time you’ve been working.

NOTE: It is not how much time you spend at a job!

Some people get confused about this. You could work at McDonald’s for 10 years and never learn how to handle a cash register. Does that mean you have 10 years of experience in money management because it’s McDonald’s? No.

(You would be better off working at an engineering firm… hehe.)

This also applies to when we are job hunting because we need to describe the knowledge we’ve acquired through the time we’ve spent doing something that applies to the job. If we don’t understand what we learned as a result of the time we spent at a job, we can never understand how to explain what we did.

It would just mean we did nothing, learned nothing and wasted our time for income.

So, in order to understand “experience”, you must fully understand what you did at your job, how it contributed to your (or the team’s) growth and the results that came out of it. These need to clearly be explained in both our LinkedIn Profile and our “traditional resumes”.

I have further explained this idea and how you can apply it before.

Experience Is Different From Your Resume

When you are talking about yourself, how do you describe yourself?

Imagine I came up to you and said “Worked for Ford. Invested in mechanical systems to upgrade part performance in Line Startup. Organized all part designs and folders. Calculated through Excel.”

Amazed by the resume

Sounds impressive, huh?

A resume can sound really impressive. Even if all I did at that job was copy & paste numbers into Excel for the engineers to do all the work.

Do not mistake your resume as the key for you to be able to get a job.

It’s not the key. Neither is the interview or job offer.

The only thing that will get you your job is the way you present what you’ve learned during that time in your life.

For my Ford example, I can say that I did those things without lying because I would’ve constantly asked questions about mechanical systems to the engineers that worked there.

That was what I learned. Not what I did.

In the same way, your experience should never be based on your resume. The resume should be molded to fit what your experience helped you develop the most.

Which means that Experience > Resume Content.

Now, apply this to your LinkedIn profile and you get something much more than bullet points… You get a profile that shows exactly how you were molded and personally affected by the experiences you’ve gone through at your job, during your project (whether at school or home), or even when you’ve applied something you learned from a class.

Fix Your Experience To Encourage Others

Even with good information about ourselves, if the text doesn’t push the other person to say “WOW”, then something is wrong. It’s human nature to get tired of reading if there is nothing interesting inside of the content. Especially when it comes to resumes.

Recruiters/HR can sometimes read about 50+ resumes a day (on average) without skimming. Which ones will be taken out the pile for an interview? Better, how long will it take them before they get tired of looking at these resumes with no qualifications? The key is in the display.

With LinkedIn, you now have the possibility to show not just your experiences but PROOF that those experiences taught you something. By combining visual (pictures, video) with written content, you are able to connect on a much deeper level with those reviewing your profile.


Because people like cool things.

And as long as cool things exist in what you have to say about yourself (while fulfilling the requirements, of course), they can’t help but choose you over others. It just a matter of getting out the box and doing what interests us without giving thought to what others think.

Work hard. Become a boss at what you do. Then, tell them to hire you.

This kind of mentality will cause what I call the “encouragement effect”.

By driving interested ones to your profile, you are encouraging them to want more. Sometimes, I see that the same person visits my profile multiple times. This gives you an edge because they are constantly impressed by the way you (as a person) and your profile shares your story.

This means… Fix your profile. Yes, you.

Make your profile awesome! Prove to those that read your profile that it was worth the trip. However, remember that all the awesomeness starts from your experience. That drive is what will make the difference in you sharing your profile and others finding you on LinkedIn.

I’ll cover how to make your profile 100% awesome at a later time… 😉

Don’t Slack.

There are many people who think that just by having a good GPA, going to a good school or having someone who works in the industry is enough.

In some ways, it is.

However, the determining factor at who gets selected is always how good you are at what you do. If you can prove that by understanding “experience” as a whole, your level of explaining what you’ve done upgrades to a much higher level.

So, don’t slack!

My question to you is this: Is it easy to show your experience? What do you focus on? Let’s talk about it below.


19 responses to “What It Means To Show Your Experience on LinkedIn”

  1. meghala hoskot Avatar
    meghala hoskot

    Hi Eyram,

    I am very impressed by your answers to help job seekers.I am an International IT Professional,carrying an experience of 1.6 years as IT Support Analyst in Tata Consultancy services ltd,India.
    I have been experiencing tough time to get the job because of my experience? nor my resume? I am confused.If you can help me in advising on my career,I would be really thankful to you.

    Currently I am working towards certificate of business analysis,I have completed level 1 and I am studying level 2.I am looking for Junior IT Support Analyst/Junior Business Analyst job roles.

    Thanks a lot

  2. Interesting article. As someone that has interviewed and hired applicants I can say that seeing determination and ambition in a candidate is very important! I would rather see an average applicant with great motivation and ambition than a very qualified applicant that seems very apathetic.

  3. Apratim Ghosh Avatar
    Apratim Ghosh

    I try to drive their attention to what I have learned and moreover how I can implement what I have learned.

  4. Hey Eyram,

    I just found out your page on linkedin and i would say it definitely grabbed my attention. I am an graduate student and ardently looking for a job. I do not have much experience in the roles i want to pursue my career in and looks like that is a big deteriorating factor. I read about how you say “position yourself in positive light” but honestly in my case i do not understand how to position my self positively to get into the job i would love.

  5. Hi Eyram!
    I liked and support what you wrote, but what if I lack experience? In my case, I’m struggling to get my first job, although I’m currently finishing an MBA on Project Management. I feel I got what it takes to be an awesome professional, but I lack that curriculum component, which I think it’s hurting my job search. What would you do in this situation?
    By the way, take a look at that CV-website I prepared to see how I show my curriculum.
    Best Regards Eyram.

  6. This platform is the best, of its kind to hep a lot of people me included. I think the point that we missing that we think by looking or even working with something then we have gained a experience but we have to learn about it get manuals and get information about how it operates and what are the solutions when it starts to give u problems. Go to the internet learn more about the operation. Get input from people who has worked with that equipment and get they opion. This is the only way to get experience on most equipment.

    1. Very true, Jabu.

      Thanks for the input. Hopefully, we can make this into something that has meaning!

  7. What would you do if the experience you’ve got is not in the field that you’re being interviewed for? For example, I’ve got 3 month experience as a Research Assistant (intern), started up a rather event management company with some friends which ran for 8 months before we all went to do our postgrad, and currently help my sports club having volunteered as their Graphic Designer. I also have worked part-time at Subway and Asda, but the interview I’ll be attending is for a big aerospace and defense engineering company for their graduate program. I’m very proud of every job I’ve done, and I’ve researched a lot on the company I’ve applied to. But still, when I think about my eligibility for the role, I think I’ve got nothing to show as compared to what many others could boast who would have applied, other than having done my undergrad and postgrad in engineering.
    Is there anything in particular I should think about or any manner I should construct my answers?

    ps- I’m loving what you’ve done so far, Eyram. In fact, I’m going to read these articles before I got for future interviews. It gives me a boost 🙂 Keep up the good work, and if you need any help, I’ll be glad to in any way I can. Cheerio!

    1. Hey Ham,

      You should be proud of each of your jobs (and I’m glad you are).

      It is true that the competition is fierce (especially if you don’t have engineering experience on your resume) but you can succeed as long as you have projects on your resume that shows you applied the skills you’ve learned at those jobs.

      For example, since you do graphic design work, it means you should know how to code in HTML & CSS. This means you can program! Program something that interests you and use that as a project on your resume to explain your strengths. This goes the same with your research assistant role.

      Remember, you talk about your experiences at Subway, Asda, or any place to show how you can effectively communicate with others during the interview. That is a big plus compared to someone that worked at an engineering firm and just sat down all day and did nothing….

      As long as you position yourself in a positive light, you can always impress anyone (no matter what credentials you have). You just got to show your desire to be qualified for the job!

      … and you motivate me, dude. Keep up the fight. I got the boost because you guys are supporting me!

  8. Muhammad Saqlain Avatar
    Muhammad Saqlain

    well done Eyram Sotome….I was realy in search of platform like that….Keep it up.Thanks

    1. Building, but pushing for the right reasons…

      I’m glad I can be inspired by you guys. Even 1 comments makes my day.

      Thanks Muhammad for the support!

  9. Ahmed X Beraima Avatar
    Ahmed X Beraima

    Appreciate what you just said, its always difficult to express your experience in the way that will make your CV shine among the others !!

    1. What surprised me more when I was writing this article was how necessary it was. Can you believe that CVs are just thrown away when each person has life experiences that makes them a perfect candidate? It’s quite sad…

      Work hard, Ahmed! I’m rooting for you too!

  10. Interesting article made me aware of the real meaning of experience thank you I really appreciate 🙂

    1. You got it, bro!

      Thanks for commenting.

  11. The ideas and informations you given in this article are useful and valuable. First of all thanks for that.

    But as a fresher, i dont have experience. Though i got a job as controls engineer, still i am home and wating for the call letter.

    Without experience how can i get the focus of recruiters towards my profile??

    1. Did you ever get the job, Baskar?

      Experience comes when you want it, not when you get it. If you put in no effort to build your own experience, how can someone hire you? Make the opportunity for yourself by looking beyond just finding a job for money… Although it is hard, it is the BEST way to obtain a job.

      I hope things are well…

  12. Greetings! I totally agree with you. And I once was a victim to that during an interview. The experience section of my CV was just full of bullets. And the interviewer asked me what did you do at X company? What did you learn? How did you contribute? Somehow, I was lost though I tried to say something. And it was not a surprise that I was told that I did not have enough experience. Thank you for your article.

    1. It always interesting to me to see that too.

      When I was going through the interview process (and still am), it’s constantly about the experience that you tell them vs. the experience that they see on paper. You always have to prepare to deliver what you have on paper when you get the interview. Experience, in that case, is really about what you learned…

      Thanks for sharing, Patrick!

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