Woot! My First Day as a “Plus Engineer”

To start, I’d like to just thank you for taking the time to come to this site. It takes a lot of guts to go on Google (or any site for that matter) looking for information on how to improve your resume and your sell yourself to recruiters (yes, selling is very important) in the engineering world.

Believe it or not, no one likes doing it.

Actually, us students (and all professionals) HATE applying for jobs. It is the worst part about getting a job for these 3 reasons:

  1. We have to look for it (waste of time)
  2. We have to apply and wait for a response (which takes forever!)
  3. We don’t get the job (which causes anger and being pissed off)

Thankfully, you came to the right place 🙂

This website was created for one person: you. And I seriously mean that.

Keep reading if you want to know how I’ll do it.

My Goals

Through Plus Engineer, I plan to achieve the following:

  1. Inspire students who don’t have the experience needed to get a job after graduation
  2. Expose honestly what recruiters are doing and what we need to do
  3. Help as many students (and professionals) as possible to find a job in the engineering field
  4. Feel awesome after doing the above

I think it is unfair that we need to struggle to understand why we don’t get hired. To put it simply, it’s our right to know.

So, let’s know it.

What You Need To Understand and Do (Now!)

I want to be straight up with everyone, because the truth is important to understand.

It takes HARD WORK to find a job. And that is the reality… we really can’t escape it.

But, we can WORK SMARTER to reduce the amount of time we spend on job hunting, and spend more time on building our skills (and having fun ^_-).

So, here is what I need you to do (for your own sake):

1. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter

I will only be sending out exclusive (meaning things that aren’t on the blog) emails to my subscribers once a week. I think that those who are on my news list are serious about their future as engineers and I will treat them as such.

It comes with a free resume template too, so you can use it to fix up your current resume or use it for yourself. Subscribe simply by entering your name and email below.

[ois skin=”Launch Post Form”]

2. Follow my LinkedIn Group

If I learn anything new (ex. A new way of hacking the HR system), it will be sent out to you guys as soon as possible. Therefore, I need a way to communicate that awesome information quickly so it isn’t lost. Just follow me and spread the news by clicking the buttons below.


3. Be My Friend

Yes, I am talking about the physical one….

If you got any questions (any at all), PLEASE CONTACT ME!

It would be awesome to get to know everyone that uses the site. You can use the “Contact” tab above to send me whatever feedback you’d like to give or suggestions you have for me to make your experience even better.

Even a “What’s Up!” is good enough for me.

I’m happy I can help.

The Wrap Up

All and all, I hope you’ll enjoy the content that I will be posting on this site. It will be fun and I’m sure you’ll learn everything needed to get out of school (or out of unemployment) with more job offers than you can handle.

Thanks for putting your trust in me!

To your success,


P.S. Is there anything you would like me to talk about? Please leave a comment below.


9 responses to “Woot! My First Day as a “Plus Engineer””

  1. Hi,

    Here in Argentina the average to get a job is 6 months.

    1. Eyram Sotome Avatar
      Eyram Sotome


      Well, start early 😉

  2. Hey Eyram,

    Thanks again for these great tips! Just got your email about the notepad phenomenon 🙂

    Happy Holidays!


  3. Hi eyram
    how are u doing ?? i currently Holding a bachelors of aircraft system engineering ( avionics), i need more advice in job seeking , can u show me up the best format resume for job hunting , i m seeking job in EnE mechanical and others too ,
    hope to hear from u soon ,

    Best wishes

  4. This is going to be extremely helpful. I can’t even begin to tell you how many applications I’ve put out since I graduated with my Computer Information Technology degree and had 0 responses. I’ve been told my resume looks great, too. But I’m beginning to think this filtering system that HR departments have may be the root of the issue. I’ll be subscribed to you to hear further updates. Cheers!

    1. Eyram Sotome Avatar
      Eyram Sotome

      Thanks Brian!

      I can’t wait myself. I’m going to start posting on the blog Tuesday.

      You are more than welcome to comment again on the post! Invite others too!

      I’m sooo excited to discover the stuff >.< Thanks for supporting me, dude. Best, Eyram

  5. ratnesh mamgain Avatar
    ratnesh mamgain

    hello eyram, i appreciate this nice work by you. well i am b.tech in ‘electrical and elctronics engineering’ from india, well if u have any job link in this core sector than please inform me via mail or message.
    best regards
    ratnesh mamgain

  6. Ravneet Kaur Avatar
    Ravneet Kaur

    Hey Eyram,
    It is good to see your effort …hatsoff //. Well ,this is ravneet from Chandigarh, India. I’m pursuing my Bachelor’s in Computer Science in final year. Currently I’m attending to my exams of 7th semester. I was shortlisted for recruitment processes of intel, emerson, microsoft, but i failed. I know that i can do my best…but somewhat I feel like.. “why is it not happened for me?” Okay, so u r our idol from now onwards. I would like to read out your weekly updations which becomes helpful for my HR …AS WELL as for technology..’s latest …updations ..

    Hope I can find my way to my dreams sooner .. 🙂
    ravneet kaur

    1. Eyram Sotome Avatar
      Eyram Sotome

      Hey Ravneet,

      Thanks! I’m like crying T_T right now..

      I’ll do my best to make sure the information I give will be useful to you and everyone else.

      Look out for more good stuff!

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