Entry Level Engineers | Q&A Friday

You are tired of feeling defeated, aren’t you?

Hate feeling like there is no hope during your job hunting? Have you wasted 100s of hours applying online without getting any responses?

If you could fix that on a single call, would you?

Join us on ELE Fridays Q&A.

Link: https://zoom.us/j/6095451734

Date: On Fridays when Eyram is Available (check your emails)

In past webinars,  we’ve gone through:

  1. How I got 3 interviews in less than a week (and what you need to do to get the same results)
  2. How to job hunt without the fear of your company firing you
  3. How to get your resume past the ATS system using other people’s resumes
  4. How to apply to big companies and how applying to different companies depends on the company size, not their HR procedures
  5. Tools & hacks you’ll need to accelerate your job hunt without wasting a bunch of time


That’s all for now. See you on Friday.

– Eyram

Updated: 06/15/2018 00:38:00

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